G. Wayne Miller

Contact Information:

Room 206


B.A., Harvard College (1976)

Personal Statement:

G. Wayne Miller is the author of 20 fiction and nonfiction books. He is also a journalist, filmmaker, podcaster and visiting fellow at 亚洲博彩平台排名's Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy, where he is cofounder and director of the Story in the Public Square program. Miller co-hosts and co-produces the national Telly-winning public television and SiriusXM radio show “Story in the Public Square.”

Miller has been honored for his writing more than 50 times and was a member of the Providence Journal team that was a finalist for the 2004 Pulitzer Prize in Public Service. Three documentaries he wrote and co-produced have been broadcast on PBS, including The Providence Journal’s "Coming Home," about veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, nominated in 2012 for a New England Emmy and winner of a regional Edward R. Murrow Award.