
亚洲博彩平台排名 University's bachelor's degree in nursing develops professional nurses who are liberally educated, ethically grounded and clinically competent health care providers. We offer two plans of study: a pre-licensure track for high school graduates and a degree completion track for students who are already registered nurses. 这个项目不向第二学位的学生开放.


通过课堂教学和体验式学习的结合, 亚洲博彩平台排名's challenging curriculum emphasizes patient-centered care, introducing students to the essential knowledge and 值 needed to think critically, communicate effectively and assess and intervene therapeutically as professional nurses.

During their clinical placements in hospitals and health care facilities, our students acquire the skills necessary to address the complex needs of individuals, 家庭, 组, 社区和人口, 同时也要识别和尊重患者的差异, 值, 偏好和表达的需求.

亚洲博彩平台排名 graduates are well prepared to continue their development as health care providers and members of the global health partnership, 塑造未来护士的角色. Students who receive a degree in nursing are prepared to take the NCLEX-RN examination to obtain the license necessary to enter practice as a registered nurse. 此外,毕业生有充分的准备去追求萨尔维里贾纳的 护理学硕士 or 护理实践博士 项目.

护理学学士学位课程, 护理学硕士学位课程, post-master's certificate in 家庭 nurse practitioner and 护理实践博士 program at 亚洲博彩平台排名 are accredited by the 大学护理教育委员会. 这些课程也被认证 新英格兰高等教育委员会.


 Salve offers a very personalized experience for the nursing program in particular. 我可以和我的教授建立很好的联系, and I think by doing so it’s really helped me to get more out of my education.

My capstone placement has helped me to feel more confident in myself during my clinical experiences, and I’m really glad that the nursing department places you in a position where you can move on and do what you want in life. 



Our faculty are current and former practitioners who prepare students to practice competently in a variety of settings and to provide for the health and healing of patients across the lifespan and along the continuum of health.​




毕业生可以在广泛的领域实习, 包括门诊护理, 心脏病学, 急救护理, 皮肤病学, 胃肠病学, 老年病学, 妇科、产科, 血液学, 艾滋病毒/艾滋病, 整体护理, 家庭保健, 临终关怀和姑息治疗, 感染控制, 分娩和分娩, 长期护理, 管理式医疗, 外科, 心理健康, 新生儿重症监护, 肾脏学, 神经科学, 职业健康, 肿瘤学, 眼科学, 整形外科, 造口术护理, 儿科, 围产期保健, 整形手术, 精神病学, 公共卫生, 肺部护理, 放射学, 康复, 生殖健康, 风湿病学, 药物滥用, 遥测, 毒理学, 创伤, 伤检分类, 泌尿外科和伤口护理.

除了, 毕业生可以在营地工作, 社区卫生, 补充医疗, 惩教设施, 救灾, 家庭暴力干预, 应急部门, 信仰社区, 家庭实践, 取证, 信息学, 军事, 手术室, 质量改进, 难民营, 研究, 农村卫生, 学校和药物滥用干预.

毕业生可以探索案例经理的职业, 临床护士长, 遗传学顾问, 医疗政策说客, 泌乳顾问, 法律护理顾问, 护理伦理学家, 护士议员, 护士作家或历史学家, 病人教育工作者, 毒物信息专家, 精神病/心理健康从业人员或工作人员教育工作者.

研究生s who earn a master's degree or doctorate in nursing can pursue the following careers:

  • Advanced practice nurse: 研究生s can work as a nurse practitioner for a special population in ambulatory care, 比如小儿科, 家庭, 成人或老年, or work in a hospital as a neonatal nurse or acute care nurse practitioner or hospitalist. They are nurse midwives, certified nurse anesthetist or clinical nurse specialist.
  • First assist surgical nurse: First assist surgical nurses are the second set of hands and work with surgeons in the operating room.
  • Administrator: 研究生s can become administrators or CEOs of health care facilities such as hospitals, 诊所, 家庭护理设施, 康复设施或疗养院.
  • Nurse educator/研究er: 研究生s can teach college students desiring to be the next generation of nurses or develop a program of 研究 directly related to the care provided by professional nurses.


Mallory Tassone '18 had a variety of opportunities to pursue her interests in 肿瘤学 and genetics during her time at 亚洲博彩平台排名. 她曾在圣. 康涅狄格州的弗朗西斯医院和医疗中心, 在她的巅峰经历中,她也专注于肿瘤学, 在圣. 马萨诸塞州的安妮医院.

 The experience I had was incredible and furthered my passion for 肿瘤学 nursing. I had the opportunity to participate in procedures I otherwise would not have seen or performed, and to practice skills that we are unable to practice in a normal-size clinical group. 





33门课程| 91学分


  • BIO105:人体解剖学与生理学
  • 生物106:人体解剖学和生理学II
  • BIO207:健康与疾病微生物学
  • CHM121:人体健康化学
  • NUR150:专业护理导论
  • NUR216:卫生保健信息学
  • NUR230:人类病理生理学
  • NUR240:药物治疗
  • NUR250:正常营养和治疗营养
  • NUR332:全面健康评估和健康促进
  • NUR333: Experiential Learning: Health Assessment and Fundamentals of Nursing
  • NUR334:遗传学和基因组学
  • NUR336:研究和循证实践
  • NUR338:照顾患有慢性疾病的成年人
  • NUR339: Experiential Learning: Care of Adults With Chronic Health Conditions
  • NUR344:对患有急性疾病的成年人的护理
  • NUR345: Experiential Learning: Care of Adults With Acute Health Conditions
  • NUR346: 家庭 in Transition: Care of Childbearing and Childrearing 家庭
  • NUR347: Experiential Learning: Care of Childbearing and Childrearing 家庭
  • NUR432:照顾有精神健康问题的病人
  • NUR433: Experiential Learning: Care of Patients With Mental Health Conditions
  • NUR436:过渡家庭:老龄化和临终关怀
  • NUR437: Experiential Learning: 家庭 in Transition: Aging and End-of-Life Care
  • NUR442:照顾有复杂健康状况的成年人
  • NUR443: Experiential Learning: Care of Adults With Complex Health Conditions
  • NUR444:公共卫生和灾害应对规划
  • 领导与管理
  • NUR449:职业资格证备考
  • NUR450:准备专业执照II
  • NUR451:护理顶点
  • STA173:统计方法
  • 一门心理学课程,选自批准的选修课
  • 一门社会学课程,选自经批准的选修课




This track is designed for licensed registered nurses who graduated from an accredited program awarding an associate degree or a diploma in nursing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7.

学生必须修满125学分才能获得学位. Students are automatically granted 58 credits for their prior educational preparation as a registered nurse. Other coursework taken at other institutions or during the licensing process may also be eligible for transfer. Students must take a minimum of 30 credits at Salve to earn the degree.

除了满足大学的要求 核心课程, the courses required specifically for this track of the nursing major are:

  • NUR148A:过渡到专业护理
  • NUR216A:卫生保健信息
  • NUR335A:整体健康评估
  • NUR336A:研究和实证实践
  • NUR436A:老龄化和临终关怀
  • NUR437A:体验式学习:老龄化和临终关怀
  • NUR444A:公共卫生和灾害应对规划
  • NUR445A: Experiential Learning: Public Health and Disaster Preparedness
  • 领导与管理
  • NUR452A:护理顶点

持有B级的注册护士.S. in a non-nursing major are admitted to the degree completion track as second-degree students and only need to fulfill two religion courses and the required nursing courses.

另外,我们提供a 学士/硕士联合课程 获得硕士学位 医疗管理, providing a viable option for students wishing to further their study.